Why You Should Spay And Neuter Your Pets

Spay And Neuter

Pets are wonderful companions that bring joy to our lives. But along with the love and affection they bring, pets also come with responsibilities. You must provide them with food, water, shelter, and veterinary care. That's why it is important you only maintain as many pets as you can realistically care for. At South Coast Veterinary Hospital in Laguna Niguel, CA, we strongly advocate spaying and neutering your pets as one way to help responsibly manage pet populations. We have a fully equipped animal hospital where you can get tailored vet care services. Here are some of the benefits of spaying and neutering your pets.

Increase Your Pet's Chances of a Longer and Healthier Life

Nothing will impact your pet's health and longevity more than when you spay or neuter them. Pets that are spayed or neutered live, on average, 1-3 years longer than those that are not. That's because the procedure eliminates many of the health problems that can plague unaltered pets, including cancers of the reproductive organs, urinary tract infections, and more.

Save Money in the Long Run

While spaying and neutering may seem like an expense you can't afford right now, it will save you money in the long run. That's because altering your pet will prevent many of the health problems that can be expensive to treat. In addition, you'll also avoid the cost of unexpected litter if your pet is not spayed or neutered.

Help Control Pet Overpopulation

There are simply too many pets and not enough homes. This overpopulation leads to millions of animals being euthanized every year. By preventing your pet from reproducing, you'll help reduce the number of animals that end up without shelter.

Reduce Unnecessary Visits to the Veterinarian or Animal Hospital

Spayed and neutered pets typically have fewer health problems overall, which means they'll need to see the veterinarian less often. That means fewer vet bills for you and less stress for your pet.

Help Your Pet Avoid Roaming and Other Dangerous Behaviors

Unaltered pets are more likely to try to roam away from home in search of a mate. This increases the chances they'll get lost or be hit by a car. In addition, unneutered male dogs are more likely to mark their territory by urinating around the house or yard. Spaying and neutering can help reduce or eliminate these unwanted behaviors that are not healthy, according to many vet care programs.

Schedule an Appointment with Our Veterinarian in Laguna Niguel, CA

Whether you have a new pet or an older one that hasn't been spayed or neutered yet, the team at South Coast Veterinary Hospital can help. We offer a wide range of affordable but highest quality services, including spaying, neutering, and other vet care services. We serve the Laguna Niguel, CA area and nearby areas. Contact our veterinarians today to schedule an appointment for your pet.

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