Pet Allergies

Animals can develop allergies just as people do. The reaction to a variety of allergens can lead to constant skin problems, frequent ear infections, and other health issues. Your veterinarian can help get to the source of the problem, so you can take appropriate measures to help your pet. At South Coast Veterinary Hospital in Laguna Niguel CA, we are experienced in treating pets with allergy problems.

Symptoms of Pet Allergies

Allergies can exhibit several different symptoms in pets. They may sneeze frequently or have a discharge from the nose or eyes. They may develop frequent ear infections and paw at their ears. They may have irritated skin and scratch constantly. They may develop nausea and vomiting. Diarrhea can be a sign of pet allergies. The animal may snore loudly and have noticeable nasal congestion. The paws may become swollen and sensitive to the touch. The animal may lick at areas of the body constantly in an attempt to soothe the irritation.

Causes of Pet Allergies

Allergies in pets can be caused by pollen, weeds, grass, household cleaners, mold, fungus, and even dust. Perfumes and cigarette smoke can trigger an allergic reaction. Cats can develop an allergy to flea bites, so regular flea prevention is important. Some animals may have sensitivity to something in the foods they eat, so determining which component is causing the problem can take some time.

Treating Allergies in Pets

Your veterinarian will ask a lot of questions about the type of compounds your pet is in contact with daily. You may be advised to change the types of cleaning products you use in your home. The vet may do testing to pinpoint the source of the allergy. If food sensitivity is suspected, your vet may suggest an “elimination diet," that feeds only one food at a time to determine the one that is causing the allergic reaction. Anti-histamine or other medications can help to manage symptoms.

Contact Our Veterinarian for Pet Care in Laguna Niguel 

Dr. Gill and the team at South Coast Veterinary Hospital believe each of our patients deserves superior care at all stages of life. We offer many veterinary services for Laguna Niguel CA and nearby communities, including vaccinations, preventative care, dental care, surgery, and emergency care. Contact South Coast Veterinary Hospital today at 949-249-7777 for an appointment to learn about treatments for allergies that can help your pet be happier and more comfortable.

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