Why Pets Need Their Teeth Cleaned

Why Pets Need Their Teeth Cleaned

You brush your teeth to try to prevent cavities and routinely have your teeth cleaned by a dentist. Cat dental care and dog dental care works very much the same way, except that your pets need our help with their dental care. South Coast Veterinary Hospital in Laguna Niguel encourages pet owners to educate themselves on pet dental care. We welcome you to become familiar with a few simple steps you can take to prevent dangerous health problems.

The Importance of Teeth Cleanings By Our Veterinarian

While pet dental health may seem optional, it is essential to many daily necessities for your dog or cat. Pets lose their teeth when gingivitis or periodontal disease develops, teeth fractures in accidents or traumatic incidents, and bacterial infections. Poor dental health can lead to gum lesions, swelling, and bleeding. Even the tongue can suffer from painful lesions. Bringing your pet to an animal hospital for a professional teeth cleaning session prevents a list of debilitating diseases. Our veterinarian can pinpoint any developing problems before they become dire enough to affect your pet’s life.

How Pet Dental Cleanings Work

Our veterinarian will carefully inspect each tooth for fractures, cavities, looseness in the socket, and discoloration. Each part of the mouth will also be checked, including the salivary glands, jaw, tongue, tonsils, and lymph nodes. Instruments are used to assess the gum line and check between the teeth and gums for pockets where food and bacteria may hide.

Our veterinarian will check for signs of periodontal disease or teeth resorption. Resorption is a somewhat commonly seen cat dental problem that involves the wearing down of the layer below the enamel and eventually affecting the crown and root. Plaque and tartar are cleaned from the crowns, gum line, and all over the teeth. Dental radiographs show what is going on under the gum line, and provide the best way to fully diagnose any dental problems.

Pet Dental Cleaning in Laguna Niguel, CA

Cat and dog dental problems, especially those involving bacterial infections, can easily affect other parts of the body and your pet’s health in general. Prevention of these dental issues is the easiest, least painful, and least expensive option. Call our team at South Coast Veterinary Hospital today at (949) 249-7777 to schedule an appointment at our animal hospital.

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